Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Bird's Tail Chapter 6

A Bird's Tail                  

Chapter 6: Mysterious things

Skye landed on the fluffy carpet, he stepped forward with cation. Scared that an RH would pop out of no where. The carpet felt strange under is feet, as if he was boucing on a cloud. He walked around, toward a starnge looking toyish device. It was yellow and shapped in that thing that he saw many of whenhe was transported to this strange place. He stepped his side, a wheel like thing was in front of him,. "What does this do?" He thought quitely. He grabbed it with one foot and the toy started to move around making a gurggling sound as it went. "VRRRRMMMM Vrooooom vrooom vroom."  Skye rode around the room half scared half excited.  The soft wind as he rode blew through his feathers, making then flop to one side. Suddenly, the car stopped and Skye fluttered out. "That was fun. I wonder what other things are awaiting for me?" Skye wondered over to where he had found the "fast thing" He saw what looked like an animal, he cautionally toward it. Then suddenly "KAAABANG!" Some strange creature hit the window.

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Hi! Please be nice about what you comment about it took me a while to write these stories :) If you don't Mr. ducky won't be happy with you :v- quack!