Story Ideas

Would you love to read stories that have your ideas put into them? Well here's the perfect place! Please comment saying a story you'd like, please consider that stories take time to write.    Just a cool picture -->


  1. You should talk about a bird that is a bully named Billy. Everyone says Billy's a bully x2 then they get a plan and bully him back so he's not a bully :)

  2. A bird? you mean one thats a bully to Skye? Well, theres a lot more instore for Skye and my readers :)

  3. dude.... in my old school this kid billy used to bully me every day. I stood up. I am never letting words put me down!

  4. warrior cat story


Hi! Please be nice about what you comment about it took me a while to write these stories :) If you don't Mr. ducky won't be happy with you :v- quack!