Thursday, February 13, 2014

Scruffy Chapter 2


Chapter 2: Blaze

The dawn light pierced the puppy's eyes. He shook his head fiercely trying to clear the sun from his eyes. His mother was already a wake, a piece of sandwich dangled in her jaws. She set down the sandwich and said:
"You've lived long enough to be named."

The puppy stared at her in confusion.
"Old enough to be nam-d?" The puppy yelped. The mother dog nodded.
"Sadly many of my pups have not survived long enough...." A gloomy shone in her eyes and her voice was edged with sadness. She stood up and walked over to her pup, "luckily you have." She whispered in his ear.

"What am I gonna be named mama?" The puppy bounced up and down excitedly. The mother dog sat down and wrapped her tail over her paws.

"I was thinking Scruffy." She replied, her golden eyes  shinning.
"I like that name!" The pup squealed, as he hopped up and down excitedly.

"Then Scruffy it is!" She howled  as she hopped into a playful stance. Scruffy growled playfully and leaped at his mother. The play fight cut off by a low growl from the entrance to the alley.  "
Well...Well...Well" The voice growled darkly.
"Look what we have here boys! It's Sunny!" The voice snickered. A tall and slender dog with a dark coat and blazing orange eyes strode out into the middle of the alley. Scruffy hid behind Sunny shaking with fear, "It's okay dear.." Sunny's voice was also shaking.

"Oh yes it's okay..." The dog said through a crooked smile.

"The name is Blaze by the way pup." The dog said his orange eyes sparkling with danger. Blaze lifted his head and yapped. Two more dogs strode out from the shadows, one looked like it had been in tons of fights. Scars were scored along it's flank, and a fresh wound was bleeding out on it's leg. It normally tan fur was ruffled and sticky with blood. The other dog was white with a green eye and a yellow eye. It's ear was torn however only a little, but one it's claws was missing from it's front left paw.

Blaze must have noticed Scruffy staring at his crew so he began to introduce them.
"This is Steak," he said tilting his head toward the tan one,  "and this is Cold." He said tilting his head to the white dog. "And there isn't anything they won't take on." He growled with a challenge.

"Leave my pup alone Blaze!" Sunny growled; her eyes shone a determined gleam. Blaze growled and scraped his long claws that looked like eagle talons across the cement.

"Who's going to stop me;.... you?"  He howled.

"Yes." Sunny replied dipping her  golden head. Blaze let out a dry chuckle, his eyes burning was amusement. Then suddenly the chuckling stopped and he lifted his head meeting Sunny's gaze.

"You know the laws of the pack, you can't just run away." His eyes betraying evil joy.

"You don't own me Blaze! I'm not your chew toy!" Sunny snapped baring her teeth. Blaze blinked the turned to his crew who were waiting patiently behind him.

"Hold down her. I just want the puppy." He said to his crew. Cold and Steak nodded and leaped at Sunny. The two huge dogs were crushing Sunny under their weight.

"No!! No!! You can't take him!" Sunny choked, tears streaming from her eyes. Blaze picked up Scruffy in his jaws calmly, then padded over to Sunny and whispered in her ear:

"Too late." He snickered. Then Blaze got up and ran out of the alley, Scruffy dangling in his jaws.


  1. Wow your so good I think these writings should be published and im a go read other writing :D

  2. does scruffy go bye bye?


Hi! Please be nice about what you comment about it took me a while to write these stories :) If you don't Mr. ducky won't be happy with you :v- quack!