Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I'm back? + Scruffy

Hey people! I've decided to come back to writing. However I've decided to start fresh on a brand new story. So feast your eyes on this new story.


By: Partyanimalzz

Chapter 1: Whimpers

The night was cold and dark. No stars shown because the air was so thick with pollution, the only light was the flickering street light. A mother dog held a puppy in her jaws, the puppy squirmed uncomfortably. 
"Shhh  dear...." The mother whispered as she stood on the side of a street.  No car lights shone so the mother dog quickly ran across the street. The mother dog ducked quietly into a dark alley, she sniffed the air and let out a sigh of relief.
"We're safe little one." She said as she nudged her puppy with her nose. The puppy whimpered and shivered in the cold, the mother dog licked her puppy's ear.  Suddenly a pair of fangs glittered in the faint light, a rat hurtled itself at the puppy.The mother dog quickly blocked her puppy and caught the rat in mid leap. She bit down hard and snapped the rat's spine. The rat fell limp and lifeless in the mother dog's jaws. The mother dog set the rat down and began to munch hungrily. The meat was tender and plump, the mother dog bit off a tiny piece and placed it in from of her puppy. 

"Your still young. Just little pieces for now." The mother dog said to her pup and she wrapped her tail around him. The pup licked up the meat and let out a small happy bark. A happy gleam sparkled in the mother dog's eye, she laid down and rested her chin on her paws. The pup copied her moves a curled up next to her.   

The pup and the mother closed their eyes and fell into deep sleep.

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Hi! Please be nice about what you comment about it took me a while to write these stories :) If you don't Mr. ducky won't be happy with you :v- quack!