Saturday, February 23, 2013

Reading break

Here's just a post to look at with pictures when you need a break from reading. So please enjoy!






A Bird's Tail Chapter 5

A Bird's Tail

Chapter 5: Discovery and annoyance

While sitting in his cage, Skye began to get bored he looked up and stared at the kids. "Alright, today were going to learn about our ABCs'. Now does any one know the song?" Ms. Mayla asked. "I do! I do!" A female RH said, "Alright Abby, sing it to us!" Ms. Mayla exclaimed. "A...B......C.......D....E.....F.............G.......H....." As Abby went on Skye started to get annoyed. Once the song ended he was so greatful, but his happiness didn't last long. The class sang many other songs like Old McDonald had a farm, Twinkle Twinkle little star and Mary had a little lamb. At the end of Mary had a little female RH exclaimed "My name is Mary!" "Yes; yes it is now, were going to learn about numbers," Skye sat in is cage waiting for another terrible song to begin. "The song is to the tune of Mary had a little lamb. Ready?" Ms. Mayla questioned "Ready!!" They all replied in unison. "Here we go, 1+1=2     1+1=2  and I know thats true! 2+......." Skye wasn't sure how long it was after he'd blacked out from annoyance and boredom. When he woke up the RHs were gone and all was dark. He hopped down from a perch and stepped toward the cage door. He tried lifting the latch, the door swung open. He peered out, then a thought came to his mind.. "I should go explore," he stepped forward with one foot. And lifted off....

Friday, February 22, 2013

A Bird's Tail Chapter 4

A Bird's Tail

Chapter 4: Hugging Chaos

As Skye flew he felt himself start plung into the kids below. He flapped his wings fiercely, then out of the corner of his bird eye he spotted an exit. He was drawn to it, like a moth to a flame. He fluttered toward the exit; the exit seemed to get closer and closer then............ "BANG!!!!!!" Skye plunged to the ground, he was saved by a cushion of air, no; not a cushion of air. It was the ground! A ocean of RHs swarmed him. "Is he okay?" He heard one say, "He ran into the window!" said another. "Come here Skye," one feamale RH said. She slowly picked up Skye, "I WANT TO HOLD HIM!" One crazy haired RH said. He tugged on Skye pulling his feathers, "no let me hold him!" both RHs tugged on Skye, they pulled and pulled. "Jonas and Rylee! Stop this instant!!!" Ms. Mayla yelled, the children looked up and stopped quickly. She pulled both of the children away, into a darker corner. The rest of the kids gathered closer to Skye. "And she didn't bother to pick me up?" Skye thought annoyed, "Skyeguy, come here." One said as they gently picked up then craddled Skye, Skye felt as if he would burst at any second. "Let me hold Skye!" One shouted, "Me too!" Another announced. "NO! No more holding Skye!" Ms. Mayla said as she plucked Skye from the child's arms, and carried him to his cage. "Here Skye," Skye for once felt some what safe.

A Bird's Tail Chapter 3

A Bird's Tail

Chapter 3:

"Here ya go little guy," A RH said as they dumped Skye into his cage. "Ouch! Be careful!" Skye Chirped. Suddenly, hundreds of younger HR faces surrounded Skye's cage. "Look he's a....a.... Blue!" One said, "He's so cute!" Another said, "I think we should name him Lipstick!" A brown haired RH said, "Lipstick?" They all relpied in unison. "My sister always says 'lipstick is perfect' and he's so cute and perfect!" "No, we should name him cookie!" A feamale RH with long hair said. "Cookie? We should name him Mr. cloud!" "You guys don't know anything about names! His name should be Pants!" "Children! Children ha all ready has a name and that name is Skye." "Skye," They all repeated. " I like that name!" Said one, "Me too," said another "Me three," "Your great at names Ms. Mayla." Two RH twins said. "Can we let him out Ms. Mayla?" "Aparently, this RH is called "Ms. Mayla" Thought Skye. "Sure, I'd bet he'd love to come out!" Ms. Mayla said. Ms. Mayla opened the door wide and stuck her hand in and pulled Skye out. "AGGGH!" Thought Skye. Ms. Mayla's cold hand gripped Skye. "Get in a circle kids!"  Ms. Mayla exclaimed, the kids all gathered in a large circle. "Here ya go Skye," Ms. Mayla said as she set Skye on a fuzzy green rug. A RH crawled forward staring at Skye with awe. Skye felt his little bird heart beat faster and faster as the RH crawled closer and closer, suddenly a faint voice in his head told him to fly. "Fly Skye Fly!!!" The voice told him. So Skye flew... He flew.....

Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Bird's Tail Chapter 2

A Bird's Tail

   Chapter 2: The arrival

The box swayed back and forth, back and forth, Skye felt as if he might die. As the box swayed he would bounce up against the cardboard walls, knocking into the wall  in many different postions. Suddenly, the swaying stopped Skye heard a loud sound a familar sound.... The sound of a door closing like at his old home.... He thought "My old home...." A loud roar split his thoughts then the ground started to shake then it held still. Dazed, he tried to stand up but slid down on the cold cardboard. "Riiiiiiiiing! Riiiiiiiiiiing! Riiiing!" A ear splitting sound shout through the box, "What is that sound?!" Skye thought baffled. "Hello? Oh hi Kaylee! Guess what??? I just bought a new bird for our class." Exclaimed a loud female voice. Skye looked through a small whole in his box and saw a "Hand" holding a werid brick shaped rectangle. A muffled voice came from the brick, "Omg! Really? You found one? Where!?" The muffled voice spoke again. "At a yard sale?! GREAT!" The feamale "Hand" screamed excitedly. A thought suddenly popped into Skye's mind "These creatures aren't just hands, they should have a different name..... I got it! Rectangle holders! or RHs for short." Skye hadn't relized the ground was moving but when it stopped he sure did, the box flew foward almost falling of an edge but luckily the RH caught it. "We're here!" The RH screamed. Skye peered out the whole and saw a large buliding, Suddnely a younger RH yelled "Ms. Mayla your here! What do you have in your hands Ms. Mayla? Can I see?" "It's our class pet, and you'll have plenty of time to see him in his cage!"

A Bird's Tail Chapter 1

                            A Bird's Tail

                                              Chapter 1: The beginng

Life was simple at first, eating, perching, and flying but all of that ended when I experienced my first "Handing." Strange creatures called "Hands" come in and take birds away and but them into box shaped containers. The elders often talked about "Handings," I thought they were just an old birds tale, but there real! When the hands com in, all of us run and scream while the elders shout "The hand is taking the next chosen one!!" The hands grips a bird and carries it a way, leaving some of us friendless. One day, while I was minding my own buissness a Hand swooped in, brushing past my tail feathers. Then it paused, and turned and advanced on me, "He's the next chosen one!!" The elders screeched. I had no time to act I was dead, a dead pearaket. Then the light faded and all was dark, the only sound was muffled screeches of other birds, suddenly a new sound appeard. "Alright, lady 10 bucks for the bird." Said a deep voiced creature. "I'm not just a bird! Im a paraket!" The words exploded in his mind. "Here ya go, I think I'll call him Skye."  A huge round eye with a blue ring around a blck center peered through a whole in the thing he was traped in. "Wait? What am I trapped in?" He thought. Scared, and lost he stood there in dark silence sad and alone.....

Welcome reading lovers!

I love to write stories so I made this blog just for that!  feel free to post comments about my stories and all that! :D Thanks for stoppin' by! -partyanimalzz