Friday, February 22, 2013

A Bird's Tail Chapter 3

A Bird's Tail

Chapter 3:

"Here ya go little guy," A RH said as they dumped Skye into his cage. "Ouch! Be careful!" Skye Chirped. Suddenly, hundreds of younger HR faces surrounded Skye's cage. "Look he's a....a.... Blue!" One said, "He's so cute!" Another said, "I think we should name him Lipstick!" A brown haired RH said, "Lipstick?" They all relpied in unison. "My sister always says 'lipstick is perfect' and he's so cute and perfect!" "No, we should name him cookie!" A feamale RH with long hair said. "Cookie? We should name him Mr. cloud!" "You guys don't know anything about names! His name should be Pants!" "Children! Children ha all ready has a name and that name is Skye." "Skye," They all repeated. " I like that name!" Said one, "Me too," said another "Me three," "Your great at names Ms. Mayla." Two RH twins said. "Can we let him out Ms. Mayla?" "Aparently, this RH is called "Ms. Mayla" Thought Skye. "Sure, I'd bet he'd love to come out!" Ms. Mayla said. Ms. Mayla opened the door wide and stuck her hand in and pulled Skye out. "AGGGH!" Thought Skye. Ms. Mayla's cold hand gripped Skye. "Get in a circle kids!"  Ms. Mayla exclaimed, the kids all gathered in a large circle. "Here ya go Skye," Ms. Mayla said as she set Skye on a fuzzy green rug. A RH crawled forward staring at Skye with awe. Skye felt his little bird heart beat faster and faster as the RH crawled closer and closer, suddenly a faint voice in his head told him to fly. "Fly Skye Fly!!!" The voice told him. So Skye flew... He flew.....

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Hi! Please be nice about what you comment about it took me a while to write these stories :) If you don't Mr. ducky won't be happy with you :v- quack!