Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Bird's Tail Chapter 2

A Bird's Tail

   Chapter 2: The arrival

The box swayed back and forth, back and forth, Skye felt as if he might die. As the box swayed he would bounce up against the cardboard walls, knocking into the wall  in many different postions. Suddenly, the swaying stopped Skye heard a loud sound a familar sound.... The sound of a door closing like at his old home.... He thought "My old home...." A loud roar split his thoughts then the ground started to shake then it held still. Dazed, he tried to stand up but slid down on the cold cardboard. "Riiiiiiiiing! Riiiiiiiiiiing! Riiiing!" A ear splitting sound shout through the box, "What is that sound?!" Skye thought baffled. "Hello? Oh hi Kaylee! Guess what??? I just bought a new bird for our class." Exclaimed a loud female voice. Skye looked through a small whole in his box and saw a "Hand" holding a werid brick shaped rectangle. A muffled voice came from the brick, "Omg! Really? You found one? Where!?" The muffled voice spoke again. "At a yard sale?! GREAT!" The feamale "Hand" screamed excitedly. A thought suddenly popped into Skye's mind "These creatures aren't just hands, they should have a different name..... I got it! Rectangle holders! or RHs for short." Skye hadn't relized the ground was moving but when it stopped he sure did, the box flew foward almost falling of an edge but luckily the RH caught it. "We're here!" The RH screamed. Skye peered out the whole and saw a large buliding, Suddnely a younger RH yelled "Ms. Mayla your here! What do you have in your hands Ms. Mayla? Can I see?" "It's our class pet, and you'll have plenty of time to see him in his cage!"

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Hi! Please be nice about what you comment about it took me a while to write these stories :) If you don't Mr. ducky won't be happy with you :v- quack!