Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Bird's Tail Chapter 1

                            A Bird's Tail

                                              Chapter 1: The beginng

Life was simple at first, eating, perching, and flying but all of that ended when I experienced my first "Handing." Strange creatures called "Hands" come in and take birds away and but them into box shaped containers. The elders often talked about "Handings," I thought they were just an old birds tale, but there real! When the hands com in, all of us run and scream while the elders shout "The hand is taking the next chosen one!!" The hands grips a bird and carries it a way, leaving some of us friendless. One day, while I was minding my own buissness a Hand swooped in, brushing past my tail feathers. Then it paused, and turned and advanced on me, "He's the next chosen one!!" The elders screeched. I had no time to act I was dead, a dead pearaket. Then the light faded and all was dark, the only sound was muffled screeches of other birds, suddenly a new sound appeard. "Alright, lady 10 bucks for the bird." Said a deep voiced creature. "I'm not just a bird! Im a paraket!" The words exploded in his mind. "Here ya go, I think I'll call him Skye."  A huge round eye with a blue ring around a blck center peered through a whole in the thing he was traped in. "Wait? What am I trapped in?" He thought. Scared, and lost he stood there in dark silence sad and alone.....

1 comment:

Hi! Please be nice about what you comment about it took me a while to write these stories :) If you don't Mr. ducky won't be happy with you :v- quack!