Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Bird's Tail Chapter 5

A Bird's Tail

Chapter 5: Discovery and annoyance

While sitting in his cage, Skye began to get bored he looked up and stared at the kids. "Alright, today were going to learn about our ABCs'. Now does any one know the song?" Ms. Mayla asked. "I do! I do!" A female RH said, "Alright Abby, sing it to us!" Ms. Mayla exclaimed. "A...B......C.......D....E.....F.............G.......H....." As Abby went on Skye started to get annoyed. Once the song ended he was so greatful, but his happiness didn't last long. The class sang many other songs like Old McDonald had a farm, Twinkle Twinkle little star and Mary had a little lamb. At the end of Mary had a little female RH exclaimed "My name is Mary!" "Yes; yes it is now, were going to learn about numbers," Skye sat in is cage waiting for another terrible song to begin. "The song is to the tune of Mary had a little lamb. Ready?" Ms. Mayla questioned "Ready!!" They all replied in unison. "Here we go, 1+1=2     1+1=2  and I know thats true! 2+......." Skye wasn't sure how long it was after he'd blacked out from annoyance and boredom. When he woke up the RHs were gone and all was dark. He hopped down from a perch and stepped toward the cage door. He tried lifting the latch, the door swung open. He peered out, then a thought came to his mind.. "I should go explore," he stepped forward with one foot. And lifted off....

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Hi! Please be nice about what you comment about it took me a while to write these stories :) If you don't Mr. ducky won't be happy with you :v- quack!